You can forward or mask a domain name to redirect to another website. When specifying the information for redirecting the page, you can use either a 301 or 302 redirect.
If you redirect your domain using a 301 redirect, it sends people to the site you specified using a "301 Moved Permanently" HTTP response. The HTTP 301 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has permanently moved.
NOTE: If you use a 301 redirect, you can remove the redirect or change it at any time.
A 302 redirect sends people to the site you specified in the using a "302 Found" HTTP response. The HTTP 302 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has temporarily moved.
A 301 redirect can provide a long-term solution to point your domains to business or affiliate sites. A 302 redirect points your domain to a temporary page while you build your permanent website. The specific redirects help the search engines distinguish how long your website can be viewed at the current locatio
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